Welcome to our Relief Society Blog!

We welcome you to our Relief Society blog and hope you enjoy the things that we will be posting. We thought it would be easier for each of you to have information on one site, instead of handouts that tend to cost a lot of money. So, enjoy as this blog is for the sisters of the Chino, California Stake, Relief Society!
This will be a one-time thing in advertising... A sister from our stake is selling her Yamaha baby grand piano. With satin walnut finish, it has a beautiful rich sound. She is asking $6,500. Comparable pianos are going for $7,500. If interested, please refer all phone calls to Lorrie Williams at (909) 631-4137.

The Rolling Ridge Ward is collecting new and gently used hats, scarfs and gloves to give to a homeless shelter in Pomona. Any items of clothing for men, women and children will be greatly appreciated. Please have items dropped off at the Stake Relief Society room before Friday, November 15, or make arrangements with Sister Gabby Clavel at (909) 334-0063.
Another reminder of our Stake Relief Society Christmas toy drive. We are asking for your assistance in collecting new and unwrapped toys and gift cards. The gift cards are recommended for the teens and should be no larger than $25 from affordable stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, Kohls, Ross, etc. We thank you for your generosity. Please check with your Relief Society presidents as each ward has a different system for collecting the items. Our toy drive ends Thursday, November 28. Thank you so much!

Thursday, February 28, 2013


                                      SUBMITTED BY ANJELA MORAN
Type:  Pinto, Navy, Black Beans. 

·        Any type except Lima Beans-they turn out too mushy.

Needed items:

·        1 cup beans per quart jar

·        1 tsp. of salt per quart jar

·        1 tsp. taco seasoning and/or 1 tsp. of dried onion

 (This is optional- for a quick taco soup)

·        Clean canning jars (my pressure cooker holds 7 at a time)

·        Hot lids and rings for each.

·        A large pressure cooker.


1.     Add 2 quarts of water to bottom of pressure cooker

2.     Wash beans in a colander, removing any rocks and dirt

3.     Add 1 cup of washed beans to each clean jar

4.     Add 1 tsp of salt and other desired seasoning to each jar

5.     Fill each jar with room temperature water up to the neck of the jar

6.     Add hot lids and screw bands (finger tight)

7.     Place jars in pressure cooker and secure lid

8.     Process in pressure cooker @10 lbs.  of pressure for 90 minutes

9.     Turn off burner after allotted time

10.                        Do not disturb canner until no longer hot (I let mine sit over night)

11.                         Before shelving make sure each lid has sealed by pushing gently on top

(If the lid pops up and down store it in fridge and eat it within the week).

Note:   My mom has used some old dry beans that have been sitting in a pantry for 30 years.    They turned out soft and nice-very usable.  Shelf life is not certain.  I have had some still good in jars after 7 years!     Any questions- Feel free to contact me. 

Submitted by; Anjela Moran -Carbon Canyon Ward (714)-985-0064

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