We are all entitled to personal revelation – but we
must prepare ourselves to receive it.
What can we do?
1. Pray for the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
2. Study the scriptures and ponder what we study.
3. Keep the commandments.
4. Attend the temple regularly.
5. Eliminate negative behavior, e.g., anger, etc.
6. Ask – believing you will receive. Luke 11:9 “Knock and it shall be opened unto you.”
Learn to recognize revelation when it comes: In a dream -- Promptings
felt but not heard -- A still small voice -- Council from a church leader -- Actual
visions -- A warm peaceful feeling
We get so busy “living” that we don’t always hear the message
given us by the Holy Ghost: Doctrine & Covenants 101:16 “Be still and know that I am God”
After we pray for guidance – be still and clear your mind
and listen for an answer. When you are living righteously you will always be
prompted to know what to do.
7. Stand ye in holy places. The better we prepare our
temples in every way to receive inspiration, the more we will receive.
8. Live the Word of Wisdom – eating healthy and exercising regularly.
READ Daniel Chap. 1 and D&C 89
These are only two scriptures that make these promises to
We should think of our body as a temple and treat it with
respect. READ 1Cor. 3:16
We must be physically and mentally clean and have pure
intent so that the Lord can inspire us through the Holy Ghost.
D&C 43:16 “And we
are to be taught from on high, sanctify yourselves and ye shall be
endowed with power that ye may be given even as I have spoken”
Living the Word of Wisdom is an important part of
sanctification. Every machine runs as it should when we follow the manual of
We are the creation of our Heavenly Father.
We will run better, live longer, be happier and fulfill our
mortal assignment better when we follow His instructions. Let’s run and not be
weary, walk and not faint, and find hidden treasures of knowledge and receive
inspiration through the Holy Ghost.
Now, sisters – I want to challenge you to join me in the
next ten days. Let’s do as Daniel did – eat only those things which do not
defile our bodies – pray often – fast this coming Sunday.
Call me (909-396-0365) and let me know if your feel better –
physically, spiritually and emotionally. I think you will be happier and find
greater peace of mind.
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